

First Aid Training for TFMoran Bedford Staff

Members of the Bedford office took part in a First Aid training course on January 9, 2019. Participants were required to complete an online portion of the class before taking the in-person portion held in the first-floor conference room. The class was taught by Don Poutry from the American Red Cross Associations Training Services. Fred Roach, Tom Lamb, Maureen Kelly, Chris Gagnon, Scott Olsen, Adam Jimenez, Marty Gavin, and Jeremy Belanger were all in attendance. The class taught participants how to treat a wound in an emergency. The first step was to assess the situation, then ask the injured person if it was okay to help. Help would be given only if permitted. Those who completed the course are officially First Aid Certified and can now provide assistance to anyone in need in case of an emergency. TFMoran is planning to host another training session in the near future for other employees who may have missed this one.


Holiday Food and Fun for TFMoran’s Portsmouth Division

TFMoran’s MSC Division celebrated Christmas with a festive English lunch at the British Beer Company in downtown Portsmouth, followed by a fun team-building experience at the Monkey Mind Escape Rooms. The group of 14 was split in to two teams to enter either the Tomb of the Ancient Egyptian King or the African themed room. Both teams were victorious in their search for answers, and everyone escaped! It was a great celebration… good food and lots of fun for all!


BOB Award Voting Has Begun – Vote for TFMoran

TFMoran is proud to be the recipient of the New Hampshire Business Review’s BOB (Best Of Business) Award for SIX consecutive years, and we would love to make it SEVEN!

Please consider voting for TFMoran in the Engineering Category, Question 10 in the on-line survey. You must vote for at least 15 categories in order for your vote to count. And, only one vote per person is allowed.

Voting ends on January 18, 2019. So, please hurry!

We thank you for your consideration!

About the BOB Awards:

he BOB Awards are a New Hampshire Business Review awards program that celebrates the best New Hampshire companies in more than 90 business-to-business categories and are chosen by our readers.

The BOBs are your chance to tell us, other readers and the rest of the state which companies in New Hampshire have the best products and services for businesses – categories include: Accounting Firm, Digital Media Marketing, Law Firm, Advertising Agency, MBA Program, Dining with Clients (by Region), Young Professionals Networking Group, and more!

The 2019 “Rocking 50’s” BOB Awards Party will be held on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. Come join the party for a fun evening of networking, food and libations.


Corey Colwell sworn in as 2019 NHLSA President

Corey Colwell, LLS was sworn in as President of the New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association during the annual meeting held at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH on December 6, 2018. Corey will serve as the 50th President of NHLSA for the year of 2019. He previously served as Vice President in 2017 and President-Elect in 2018. Corey has more than 30 years of experience in land surveying and civil/environmental permitting. As NHLSA President, he will supervise all business and affairs of the Association, and provide overall direction in concert with the mission statement and goals. NHLSA exists to promote the profession of surveying, mapping, land information systems and related fields to support the advancement of technologies, and to help ensure that these professional activities provide for the safety and welfare of the general public.

Corey Colwell has been a member of the TFMoran team since the acquisition of MSC Engineers and Surveyors in December 2014. He was named a company principal in 2015 and manages the Portsmouth division of TFMoran. TFMoran has previously worked with the NHLSA including participating in the NHLSA’s Construction Career Days, to promote jobs in construction and engineering to high school students.

Congratulations to Corey from everyone at TFMoran.


TFMoran’s Bedford Office Celebrated Christmas with a Festive Party

TFMoran’s Bedford office hosted its annual Family Christmas Party on Friday December 14th. The office was decorated with beautiful gold and blue ornaments and poinsettias in honor of TFMoran’s 50th Anniversary. The centerpiece was a 12-foot-tall Christmas tree, draped in beautiful gold ribbon with a bow at the top. The sparkling lights and ornaments, and tasteful selection of Christmas music, created a perfect Christmas Party environment.

The party started promptly at 4 o’clock, when appetizers were being served in the main lobby. Everyone enjoyed the variety of appetizers, provided by Tidewater Catering. The meatballs were a big hit, as were the chicken quesadilla trumpets. All the food provided was delicious, and everyone at the party left with a full stomach. Most of the leftovers went home with John DiFrancesco, the marketing assistant intern, so he and his roommates at Southern New Hampshire University could enjoy them during Sunday’s Patriots game.

There was a great assortment of desserts for anyone looking for something sweet. The desserts included cookies, brownies, and other small bite-sized sweets. There was wine and beer for the adults to drink, and soda and juices for everyone to enjoy. There was also eggnog for those feeling extra festive. Attendees meandered around the party, talking with one another and sharing funny memories and stories. There were many smiling faces and the room was filled with the sound of laughter and storytelling. There was a kid’s craft station where the children could create snowflake, Christmas tree, reindeer, and Santa ornaments. The kids seemed to enjoy the crafts and made some very sparkly and creative ornaments to take home.

Happy Holidays from everyone at TFMoran!


Supporting the Economic Development and Infrastructure Summit

Dylan Cruess represented TFMoran at the Economic Development and Infrastructure Summit on Wednesday November 14th, 2018. The event, put on by the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, was hosted at the Manchester Country Club and was presented by TD Bank. Mr. Cruess was one of the panel members on the Board of Directors.  The keynote speaker, Jeff Speck, who is a city planner and bestselling author, spoke about how economic development is affected by the walkability of a city. The event also featured a presentation about Driving Economic and Community Development through Grassroots Leadership, and an update on the major projects taking place in the Greater Manchester area and how the projects will impact the local infrastructure. Snacks were provided to those who attended, as well as coffee. Sponsors for the event included Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, the New Hampshire Institute of Art, and TFMoran.


TFM Millyard Parking Garage Project featured on Front Page of the NH Union Leader

Exciting News! On the front page of the November 27, 2018 Greater Manchester Edition of the New Hampshire Union Leader is a construction photo of the new parking garage in downtown Manchester’s Millyard district, a TFMoran Civil/Site Engineering and Structural Engineering project. TFMoran also provided permitting and landscape architecture services for this 6-story, 1,700 space parking facility. This new precast concrete structure, located at the corner of South Commercial Street and Line Drive, will provide parking for Southern New Hampshire University’s online program and administrative offices housed in the adjacent Langer Place mill. The project architect is Built-Form, LLC and Construction Manager is Harvey ConstructionClick here to go to our project page to learn more.

To view the Union Leader photo taken by photographer Josh Gibney, link to this pdf NH Union Leader Front Page Nov 27 2018

Union Leader Photo Caption:
Construction is ahead of schedule for a six-story parking garage that can handle 1,700 vehicles at the southern end of the Millyard, just north of Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester. Project developer Peter Flotz said Monday that the project should be completed in mid-July, ahead of schedule. Southern New Hampshire University is leasing the entire garage, seen here in a photograph taken earlier this month.


TFMoran Celebrates 50 Years at the Annual Harvest Lunch

TFMoran celebrated the holiday season with our Annual Harvest Lunch on November 21, 2018. The Company also celebrated our 50th year in business. TFMoran staff from the Bedford and Portsmouth offices met at the Bedford Village Inn to give thanks for another great year and enjoy some good food and beverages with coworkers. Prior to the event, company photos to commemorate the 50th year, were taken by Studio One photographer, John Gauvin.

The venue was beautiful in the Great Hall, as the Bedford Village Inn recently decorated for the holiday season. Floral centerpieces created by TFMoran’s Maryanne Murray, with help from Susan Bartley, added to the harvest-theme décor. Upon arrival, TFM staff socialized while enjoying a variety of healthy appetizers and holiday beverages from the bar. Then, all were treated to the delicious main course of salad, a lovely squash soup, steak, chicken, and roasted vegetables. Following the meal, a white raspberry-filled 50th Anniversary cake made by Frederick’s Pastries, was served to the enjoyment of all.

TFMoran president Bob Duval addressed the staff by congratulating the company and its employees on the 50 years in business and for another great year. Bob took a moment to recognize those who had been with TFMoran for more than 10 years (some over 30 years) and thanked them for their service. TFMoran’s COO, Dylan Cruess, then spoke to the staff about upcoming benefit news, such as health insurance, the 401k program and other benefits. In appreciation of everyone’s dedication to the Company, holiday bonuses were handed out to all by the five TFMoran principals.

A special thanks to the Bedford Village Inn for hosting the event and creating such a lovely atmosphere for this special occasion. It was a great send off to Thanksgiving holiday weekend, as we gave thanks for our clients, our TFM team, friends and family.


TFMoran’s Brenda Kolbow receives NH Land Surveyor License

Congratulations to Brenda Kolbow, LLS on becoming a Licensed Land Surveyor in the state of New Hampshire! Brenda is a Survey Project Manager and has been with the Portsmouth division of TFMoran, since 2015. She is responsible for the management and coordination of survey projects with internal staff, clients, contractors, and regulatory officials from proposal through the completion of construction. Her field skills include boundary, topographic, ALTA, construction layout and as-built surveys, along with total station data collection and GPS static and kinetic observations. Brenda is now licensed in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and North Carolina. Prior to her time at TFMoran, she received an Associates degree for Surveying Technology at Western Piedmont Community College in North Carolina.


CPR Training at TFMoran

Members of the Bedford TFMoran team participated in a CPR certification course on November 14, 2018. Participants met in the first-floor conference room, where the training was held. Many of the attendees had been certified in the past and were taking the course as a refresher course. The course covered CPR trainings for all ages including adults, children, and infants. The certification class was taught by Robert Martin, who works with Exeter Hospital. The class was broken into two parts. Participants watched informational videos during the first portion of the class, and during the second part were able to practice the techniques on training mannequins.  The informational videos, provided by the American Heart Association, explained how to determine if a person needs CPR, the number of breaths and compressions necessary to properly perform CPR, how to properly perform these compressions and breaths, and how to use an AED, or Automated External Defibrillator. The Bedford office installed an AED in May through a New Hampshire Department of Safety program, which offers a discount and training for participants. There was also a portion of the training dedicated to helping someone who is choking and properly performing the Heimlich maneuver. Of course, we hope that all in attendance never need to use the techniques learned today, but we are glad that our team members are educated and would be able to provide assistants in an emergency.