

TFMoran beautifies Manchester WWII Memorial grounds in Veterans Park for “Adopt-A-Block” Earth Day event

It’s that time of year again, Adopt-A-Block! For the third consecutive year, TFMoran employees participated in the annual InTown Manchester’s Adopt-A-Block event, which is a neighborhood cleanup in support of Earth Day. Intown Manchester Management, Inc. is a non-profit organization working, in cooperation with the City of Manchester, to increase downtown’s competitiveness and to affirm Manchester’s position as an economic leader of the New England region.  Their service areas include outdoor maintenance, beautification, and business support through marketing, communications, and event production.

This year TFMoran’s own Dylan Cruess, Cassi Beroney, Nick Golon, Jeff Tate, Maureen Kelly, Matt Mullen and Rob Vida participated in the event by picking up litter, raking and spreading bark mulch around the WWII Memorial in Veterans Park. This downtown Manchester Memorial is special to TFMoran, since the company donated survey, site design and landscape architecture services when it was first constructed.  This event brings local businesses and community members together to get outside and beautify Manchester neighborhoods, all while keeping the earth clean. Participants of the event also enjoyed a slice of pizza or two donated by 900 Degrees, one of downtown Manchester’s favorite restaurants.

This year, InTown teamed up with Eversource in the hopes of expanding their reach and attempt to grow the volunteer base. It was another successful year of keeping Manchester “clean and green”. Thanks to InTown Manchester for coordinating and hosting such a great event!


TFMoran Celebrates our 6th BOB Award!

An excited group of TFMoran staff stepped back into the bright lights and dark nights of the roaring ’20s, at the most talked about event of the season – the 2018 BOB Awards Party! The celebration took place on Thursday, March 22nd at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, after being postponed due to a nor’easter. We celebrated the best businesses in the state and networked with business leaders from across New Hampshire in a fun and festive party atmosphere.

TFMoran is honored to receive, for the sixth consecutive year, the 2018 “Best of Business” in the Engineering category by  New Hampshire Business Review’s readers. The BOB Awards survey honors the “Best Of Business” in New Hampshire in over 90 categories. A Big THANK YOU to all who voted for us! According to NHBR’s website, nearly 3,500 people voted in this year’s BOB Awards survey. To see additional photos and a full list of winners go to NHBR’s website.

Thank you to New Hampshire Business Review for showcasing the Best of Business across New Hampshire, and for putting a truly first-class celebration!


TFMoran selected 2018 NHBR Best of Business (BOB) in Engineering category

TFMoran is honored to be selected for the sixth consecutive year as the 2018 “Best of Business” in the Engineering category by  New Hampshire Business Review’s readers. The BOB Awards survey honors the “Best Of Business” in New Hampshire in over 90 categories. A Big THANK YOU! to all who voted for us!

According to NHBR’s website, nearly 3,500 people voted in this year’s BOB Awards survey. All winners were notified by phone prior to the release of the full list of winners on NHBR’s website by early March.

TFMoran and the other winners will be honored on Thursday, March 8th, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. This year’s celebration theme steps us back into the bright lights and dark nights of the roaring ’20s, at the most talked about event of the season — the BOB Awards party! Celebrate the best businesses in the state and network with business leaders from across New Hampshire in a fun and festive party atmosphere.  There will also be a chance to win prizes and raise money for Families in Transition.  Don’t miss out, register early and get your tickets on-line at

Thank you to New Hampshire Business Review for this opportunity and showcasing the Best of Business across New Hampshire.

2018 BOB Award Party: The Roaring 20’s Official Invitation:

Save the date: Thursday, March 8, 2018 | 5-8 p.m. Grappone Conference Center 70 Constitution Avenue in Concord, NH



TFMoran Sponsors Bedford Basketball League

TFMoran is proud to announce our support of the Bedford Basketball League this season! This year there are 63 teams in the league made up of first through eighth graders, both boys and girls. And, thanks to Chris Ware, BBL Director of Sponsorship, there are 49 individual sponsors. This is TFMoran’s first year sponsoring the organization and we are happy to be a part of it.  Playing on the TFMoran sponsored team is Myles Lamb, who is the son of one of our Senior Structural Engineers, Tom Lamb. Myles plays on the 1st/2nd grade boys recreation division team coached by Stephen Dunker. We are happy to cheer him on from the office and the sidelines!  Go TFMoran Team!


TFMoran’s Portsmouth Office Celebrates the Season by donating to Food Pantry and Solving 2 Mysteries

TFMoran’s Portsmouth office, the MSC Division, celebrated the holiday season on a snowy Friday, just before Christmas. In lieu of their traditional office party with a Secret Santa gift swap and potluck lunch, they decided to do something a little different this year.  In place of the gift swap, the Portsmouth group raised $400 to donate to the local Food Pantry, making the holiday season a bit nicer for those less fortunate. And, instead of the potluck lunch, all ventured over to Mojo’s BBQ & Grill where they enjoyed a change of scenery, along with delicious tavern fare. followed by an adventure at the Portsmouth Escape Room.

Their afternoon adventure consisted of splitting into two groups; one went into the Westower Study and the other went to The Roswell Incident. Each group was given one hour to solve their mystery and escape from their room. Everyone had a great time finding clues and solving the puzzles required to escape, just in time to start the holiday weekend.

Thanks to the TFMoran principals for hosting the celebration, an awesome time was had by all!


TFMoran Celebrates the Christmas Season with Family

On Friday, December 15th, TFMoran’s staff and family celebrated the Christmas season together at the Bedford office. Thanks to Galen, Jenn and Kelsie, the reception area was as festive as could be – complete with a beautifully decorated 9 foot Douglas Fir Christmas tree, and lighted greens strung along the railings of the open stairway. Tidewater Catering Group, of Manchester, put on a festive display of appetizers, fruits, cheeses, vegetables and Christmas cookies that all enjoyed.


Though this year’s theme didn’t mention unique Christmas sweaters, Nick and Lee went along with the Christmas string of lights theme on their matching sweaters – and they even lit up! That’s the spirit we like – “Get Your Festive On” was indeed mentioned on the invitation, after all.



One week into his retirement, after 40 years with TFMoran, Joe Sears blessed us with his presence. He and his wife Suzanne enjoyed the annual TFM Christmas Party, as Joe chatted with former co-workers about his future plans in retirement life.



And, of course, “Santa’s Workshop” was a big hit with the little ones. Christmas craft projects, like foam gingerbread people were decorated with stickers, markers and pom poms for ornaments to hang on the tree. Clear glass ornaments were stuffed with green pom poms to make a grinch face, and white cotton for snowmen -all adorned with creations of hats for custom-made ornaments. Thank you to Jen Porter’s daughter Jocelyn, who was Santa’s helper and organized the craft workshop for the kids.

A big Thank You to the TFMoran principals for hosting a fun and festive family event!

We wish all a Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!



Vote for TFMoran! Question 10 in 2018 NHBR BOB Awards On-line Survey

TFMoran is proud to be the recipient of the New Hampshire Business Review’s BOB (Best Of Business) Award for FIVE consecutive years, and we would love to make it SIX!

Please consider voting for TFMoran in the Engineering Category, Question 10 in the on-line survey. You must vote for at least 15 categories in order for your vote to count. And, only one vote per person is allowed.

Voting ends at midnight on January 21, 2018. So, please hurry!

We thank you for your consideration!

About the BOB Awards:

The BOB Awards are a New Hampshire Business Review awards program that celebrates the best New Hampshire companies in more than 90 business-to-business categories and are chosen by NHBR’s readers.

The BOBs are your chance to tell NHBR, other readers and the rest of the state which companies in New Hampshire have the best products and services for businesses – categories include: Accounting Firm, Digital Media Marketing, Engineering Firm, Law Firm, Advertising Agency, MBA Program, Dining with Clients (by Region), Young Professionals Networking Group, and more!

Voting started on November 29, 2017 and will end at midnight on January 21, 2018.

The 2018 “Roaring 20’s” BOB Awards Party will be held on Thursday, March 8, 2018 at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. Come join the party for a fun evening of networking, food and libations. To see photos from last year’s party, just click here.


TFMoran’s Nick Golon represents NH at 2017 National ASCE Convention

This year’s American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) National Convention was held in New Orleans, Louisiana in early October and was attended by two ASCE New Hampshire board members; TFMoran’s Senior Project Manager Nicholas Golon, PEASCE-NH Treasurer and Anabelle Allen, EIT – ASCE-NH Vice President. In the week leading up to the convention there was concern the convention may be canceled with hurricane Nate heading straight towards the Big Easy. Thankfully, the storm weakened just in time for the main days of the convention with only needing to cancel a few tours and talks. The rest of the week went off without a hitch!

For those whose travel plans were not altered by Nate, attendees of the convention were welcomed with an invigorating talk from Marci Rossell, Ph.D., who takes complex economic issues, often dull in the button-down business press, and makes them relevant to people’s lives, families, and careers. Her opening remarks set the stage for a fantastic few days of compelling short courses and thought-provoking sessions with impressive technical knowledge and expertise. Many of the sessions were centered around the recovery of New Orleans post-Katrina, which was a timely topic seeing as the city had just dodged what could have been another devastating storm.

Following the first day of a jam-packed program was a Mardi Gras themed Welcome Reception where Nick and Anabelle networked with other ASCE board members from surrounding states and chapters, sharing tips, stories, and event ideas for future ASCE get togethers!  They even found the time to pose for a few pictures with conference dignitaries.

The program on Tuesday included a talk on the Structural Innovation of designing and constructing the new NFL Stadium in Atlanta, GA. This stuck out as a favorite among many attendees only to be topped by Michael Howell and his talk on Engineering Failures. His non-typical session talked about the fundamental concept we sometimes forget…. Although engineers, we’re still human and we all make mistakes!

Wednesday wrapped up the convention with an amazing closing luncheon where all attendees soaked in the valuable insights from motivational speaker and career guru, Kaplan Mobray who spoke on how to transition your personal brand into something that reflects the true you.

“In any room, bring value to the table. If you’re not bringing value, you’re just taking up space and someone else wants your seat.” – Kaplan Mobray.

The convention was packed from beginning to end with the latest information, innovations, and technologies in the field of Civil Engineering.  Although the convention kept Nick and Anabelle plenty busy, they did manage to venture out and take in some of the sights and sounds NOLA had to offer, including a zydeco band at one of the City’s most notable restaurants, Mulate’s.

As well as some fine dining at Mother’s Restaurant, who have been serving up po’boys and down-home Southern fare since 1938.

Thank you to Nick and Anabelle for representing our State well, in attending the ASCE National Convention, and thank you to ASCE National and NOLA for putting on a fantastic event!


TFMoran principals give thanks at the Annual Harvest Lunch on the campus of SNHU

The principals of TFMoran, Bob Duval, Dylan Cruess, Jeff Kevan, Paul Sbacchi and Corey Colwell, thanked their staff this holiday season by hosting the annual “Harvest Lunch” on the day before Thanksgiving. This year the lunch was held on the campus of Southern New Hampshire University at the new Gustafson Center. The principals thought it would be a nice opportunity for the staff to see many of the new projects on campus that TFMoran engineers, surveyors and landscape architects have provided services for, including the Gustafson Center. TFMoran’s Portsmouth division joined in the festive celebration, making the attendance around 70 people.

The event started with a delightful assortment of appetizers and beverages during the social hour, and a group photo taken by John Gauvin of Studio One. Sodexo caterers prepared a holiday lunch buffet which included a sirloin carving station, chicken parmesan served with pasta, and stuffed portobello mushrooms, accompanied by roasted potatoes, harvest salad and butternut squash soup. After lunch, the staff was treated to a dessert tri-level tray of pumpkin whoopee pies, raspberry mousse in chocolate cups, and strawberry cream eclairs. Everything was delightful!

Joe Sears 40 years at TFMoran
Joe Sears and Bob Duval

TFMoran’s president Bob Duval followed the lunch with a speech on his gratitude towards the entire team in providing the hard work and dedication that makes TFMoran a success. He gave special thanks to Administrative Assistant, Joe Sears, for his 40 dedicated years to TFMoran. Bob presented Joe with a gift of appreciation, and wished him the best as he retires in December.


Concluding the lunch was COO, Dylan Cruess who spoke of the company’s many accomplishments over the past year, including the NHBR Best of Business Award in Engineering for the 5th straight year, and the 2017 Business Excellence Award.  Dylan attributed the recognition TFMoran receives from the community to the involvement of the staff, inside and outside of work.

Many thanks to Southern New Hampshire University and Sodexo for providing a great venue for this special event. It is always a great way to lead into the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, as we give thanks to our family and friends.


TFMoran at the 2017 NH Municipal Expo

The New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) 76th Annual Conference took place Wednesday, November 15 and Thursday November 16 in downtown Manchester at the Radisson Hotel. New Hampshire municipal officials attended the conference which offered extensive educational sessions over two days. This year’s theme was “The Challenge of Change”. Keynote Speaker and comedienne Jan McInnis entertained the audience with “finding the funny” in life.

The Conference included a two-day Expo with over 100 exhibitors offering the latest products and services. Thanks to all who stopped by TFM’s booth to chat with engineers and view some of our latest municipal projects, such as for the Town of Hooksett proposed roundabout at Hackett Hill Road and 3A near the I-93 Exit 11, the new Milton Fire-Rescue Station , the renovated/expanded Goffstown Church Street Fire Station #18 and the Belknap County Community Corrections facility in Laconia.

Thanks to NHMA for another great conference, looking forward to 2018!