

Alexander Croteau joins TFMoran’s Civil Engineering Department

Alexander Croteau has joined TFMoran as a Civil Project Engineer in the Bedford office. Mr. Croteau recently graduated from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, where his studies included project engineering; transportation engineering; engineering materials; green building design; and structural analysis.  As an intern while attaining his degree, Mr. Croteau gained valuable hands-on experience in site and building construction and failure investigation.  He is a proud Eagle Scout recipient of bronze and gold palm awards.


Justin Macek joins TFMoran’s Seacoast Division’s Civil Engineering Department

TFMoran’s Portsmouth office welcomes Justin Macek, EIT to the team as a Civil Project Engineer. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Mr. Macek has civil/site engineering experience in both New Hampshire and California, including environmental sampling, stormwater management, hydraulic modeling, parking lot design, and construction inspection.


TFMoran Joins ISNetworld®

TFMoran has joined ISNetworld® as a Member Contractor. ISNetworld® is a hub for Hiring Clients that streamlines the qualification process and helps improve workplace safety for both client and contractor. Over 75,000 active contractors and suppliers use ISNetworld® along with over 650 Hiring Clients. Established in 2001, they are the global leader in contractor and supplier management.

The way ISNetworld® works is: Contractors and suppliers submit information such as insurance documents, safety programs, and incident rates. Their team then reviews these documents against regulatory and Hiring Client requirements, allowing Contractors and Suppliers to easily identify gaps in documentation required by Hiring Clients as well as allowing Hiring Clients to more easily find qualified Contractors and Suppliers.

To learn more, visit


TFMoran Sponsors American Society of Civil Engineers’ New Hampshire Scholarship Golf Outing

On August 21st, 2020, the American Society of Civil Engineers New Hampshire Section (ASCE-NH) hosted their 2020 Annual Scholarship Golf Outing. The scholarship program was started in 2000 to encourage high school students to pursue an engineering degree (in any discipline, not just civil).  Annually, ASCE-NH awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors and civil engineering students at the University of New Hampshire, with the value of the scholarship’s dependent on the success of their fund raising.  ASCE-NH issued a record $20,000 in scholarships in 2020 and is hoping to at least match that effort in 2021.

The tournament was held at the Beaver Meadow Golf Club in Concord, NH. Due to Covid-19, special precautions were observed promoting social distancing and mask use which resulted in a safe and fun day for all those that participated.  The tournament included a continental breakfast, shotgun start, lunch, raffle, contests, and games. TFMoran Senior Project Manager and ASCE-NH Treasurer, Nick Golon played in the tournament this year and came home with a new golf club courtesy of the raffle.  The TFM Team didn’t finish first but scored a rare Eagle (two under par) on a par 4 courtesy of Kurt Nelson knocking in a 120-yard chip.  That shot along with the fantastic weather made for a great day for the Team.

TFMoran was a proud PLATINUM Sponsor of this ASCE-NH Scholarship fund raising event, along with Continental Paving and WSP.

Thank you to ASCE-NH for supporting young and aspiring engineers and putting on another great event!


TFMoran promotes Jennifer Porter to Senior Project Engineer

TFMoran announces the promotion of Jennifer Porter, PE to Senior Project Engineer/Traffic Engineer. Ms. Porter joined TFMoran’s Civil Engineering department in 1998. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University. Ms. Porter’s engineering experience includes traffic analysis, civil/site design, and environmental permitting of private and public sector projects, including municipal, commercial, industrial, residential and institutional projects. She has played a key role in many of TFMoran’s largest projects over the past 20+ years and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Hampshire.


TFMoran Welcomes Nolan Filteau to the Surveying Department

Nolan Filteau has joined the Surveying Department as a Summer Intern. Nolan attends Norwich University and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. He also has an interest in learning more about land surveying.


TFMoran Welcomes Three Summer Interns

TFMoran’s Bedford office has some new faces! We are excited to welcome (pictured left to right) Nolan Filteau, Julia Chartier, and Jacob Woodard to the TFM team as 2019 Summer Interns.

Nolan attends Norwich University and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. Nolan is working in our Surveying Department.

Julia attends Keene State College and is pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. Julia is assisting the Marketing Coordinator and is tasked with keeping up social media accounts including Instagram and blog postings, as well as photography and graphics.

Jake attends the University of New Hampshire and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering with a focus in Structures. Jake’s coursework includes Structural Design in Steel, Structural Analysis, Soil Mechanics and Project Management. He is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers. Jake is working in our Structural Engineering Department.

TFMoran welcomes mentoring students each summer from our local colleges and universities. Having student interns creates a form of engagement between young people and their future professional careers. The hands-on experience in the workplace allows students the benefit of knowing what to expect after graduating. And, we all appreciate the extra assistance that our interns offer TFMoran.

We wish Nolan, Julia and Jake the best of luck and a great summer of learning!



Phillip Houston joins TFMoran’s Civil Engineering Department

Phillip Houston has joined TFMoran as a Civil Project Engineer in the Bedford office. Phill has a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Architecture from Syracuse University. He has six years of work experience which includes design of residential and commercial subdivisions, utility and drainage plans, permitting, septic design, and stormwater management. Phill is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.


“Embracing Mixed-Use Development” by TFM President Robert Duval featured in May issue of High-Profile

Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering was the Focus for High-Profile‘s May 2019 issue. TFMoran’s president, Robert Duval, PE, was featured as an Industry Expert in this special section, writing about the advantages for a mixed-use development. Using one of TFMoran’s high-profile examples of mixed-use, Market and Main in Bedford, NH (currently under construction), he quoted TFMoran’s Senior Landscape Architect, Michael Krzeminski, PLA explaining how he designs to provide a pedestrian-friendly experience. To view the story, click this link High-Profile May 2019_Embracing Mixed-Use Development or read below:

Embracing Mixed-Use Development
by Robert E. Duval

Adopted from urban environments, across the country, the mixed-use development concept is making its way into many smaller cities and towns in New England. These developments encompass a wide range of uses, including commercial, residential, cultural, institutional, and industrial uses in to an integrated whole.

Civil engineering benefits of integrated development include reduced traffic volumes, minimized parking needs, reduced stormwater flows, and greater density. Studies have shown that onsite parking supplies can be reduced by 10% or more because parking can be shared. Reduced parking cuts construction costs by reducing the amount of pavement as well as the extent of stormwater infrastructure needed to capture, detain, and treat pavement runoff.

Greater land use density can be achieved by avoiding internal line setbacks where multiple properties are combined into a single development. The result of this is efficiently designed parking and reduced need for land area, reduced construction costs, and minimized stormwater infrastructure and runoff.

Landscape architecture also plays a critical role in successful mixed-use development. Each building needs to be placed so as to provide convenient, attractive, and safe pedestrian travel between all other uses. “Walking distance” in New England is approximately 1,400 feet (about 7 minutes’ walk). This figure is dependent on the ease of travel; having a clear, direct path with an attractive walking environment improves walkability and the volume of foot traffic. Landscape architects must work closely with site engineers to create these easily traversable pedestrian routes.

Market and Main, a 350,000sf, upscale mixed-use center currently under construction in the town of Bedford, N.H., is a prime example. Located at the former Macy’s site on U.S. Route 3, TFMoran’s civil engineers and landscape architects worked closely with the developers to provide a pedestrian-friendly experience. “We designed the landscape to include pavered furniture strips along the sidewalks with ample seating and bike racks,” said Mike Krzeminski, one of TFMoran’s senior landscape architects. “Tree grates, along with structural planting soil, have been worked into the sidewalk design to create rhythm, shade, and sustainability for the trees,” continues Krzeminski. “The pedestrian environment is further enhanced by a central green, with pergolas and seating walls to create an outdoor gathering place for all to enjoy.” The first two retail buildings, Trader Joe’s and The Friendly Toast, are now open. The development plans include a 600-seat deluxe cinema, an office building, a hotel, a variety of restaurants and retail shops, and two parking garages.

The benefits of mixed-use developments are being recognized by many community planners. As these communities embrace mixed-use developments in their zoning codes, we can expect to see increasing prosperity and vibrancy in the central cores of our New England cities and towns.

Robert E. Duval, PE, LEED AP, is president and chief engineer at TFMoran, Inc., Bedford, N.H.


Jeremy Belanger promoted to Senior Project Engineer

Congratulations to Jeremy Belanger, EIT who was recently promoted to Senior Project Engineer.

Mr. Belanger joined TFMoran in 2015 serving as a Project Engineer in the civil engineering department in Bedford. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering (Water Resources) from the University of New Hampshire. Mr. Belanger’s work experience includes civil/site design and infrastructure design, as well as regulatory permitting and approvals for residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and energy projects.