

TFMoran mentors summer marketing & engineering interns

TFMoran welcomes local college students Madeline Preston (left) and Cora McLean (right) as 2018 summer interns, both working in the Bedford office.

Ms. Preston has recently graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing.  She is a marketing intern who will be assisting in creating new marketing strategies for the company.  Ms. Preston has had previous experience creating a marketing plan for the company HardyPress, in Florence, Italy.

Ms. McLean works in the civil engineering department, learning all aspects of civil engineering.  She attends Merrimack College and will obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 2019.  Ms. McLean’s coursework has included geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, site engineering, and thermodynamics.


TFMoran Project in May Issue of High-Profile

The May 2018 issue of High Profile is focused on Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture, and features an article on the Bedford Land Rover redevelopment on South River Road. TFMoran provided civil, structural and traffic engineering, permitting, and landscape architecture for this project which is currently under construction. We invite you to read the story below, or click on this pdf link High Profile_May2018_page 33_Land Rover

TFMoran Part of Land Rover Redevelopment Team

Bedford, NH – TFMoran is part of a New Hampshire-based design-build project team providing services for Land Rover’s new facility on South River Road (U.S. Route 3). The team also includes Warrenstreet Architects of Concord and Eckman Construction of Bedford.

The construction of the new facility is underway and will be completed in the fall of 2018.

TFMoran supplied civil/site/traffic and structural engineering, permitting, and landscape architecture services for the new 19,200sf auto showroom and state-of-the-art service area. The architecture of the proposed dealership is contemporary in nature with aluminum composite cladding in a dark grey and a champagne silver. The structure will include very prominent floor-to-ceiling plenar glass windows to display the interior showroom.

The window facing South River Road will extend approximately 61 feet or approximately 44% of the building façade. Although the contemporary design is unique for Bedford, the project team engaged the board with a detailed discussion related to the proposed architecture, and the board expressed comfort with the proposed design in light of landscaping improvements proposed.

TFMoran’s professional landscape architect, Mike Krzeminski, explained the landscape will highlight and complement the architecture of the building, while also balancing the town’s landscape standards.

“Blending corporate design standards with municipal expectations is a delicate balance especially in a town like Bedford where they have specific architectural preferences,” said TFMoran Senior Project Manager Nick Golon, PE. “In the end, both the town and project team found an appropriate balance that will deliver an exceptional project everyone can be proud of,” continued Golon.

TFMoran senior structural engineer, Joaquín Denoya, PE described the custom steel truss above glass storefront facing South River Road. “The exterior wall above the glass was designed as an 8-ft by 6-ft deep custom steel truss cladded with metal panels. The concept of supporting the roof framing on a clear spanning truss allowed for the design team to achieve a column-free look within the showroom,” explains Denoya.


Celebrating Women In Construction Week! Meet Maureen Kelly, TFMoran Civil Project Engineer.

March 5 – 11 is National Women in Construction Week.  According to the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) website, “The focus of WIC Week is to highlight women as a visible component of the construction industry. It is also a time for local chapters to give back to their communities. WIC Week provides an occasion for NAWIC’s thousands of members across the country to raise awareness of the opportunities available for women in the construction industry and to emphasize the growing role of women in the industry.”

In celebration of WIC, TFMoran is highlighting our own Women In Construction, one TFMoran woman engineer or surveyor each day this week. TFMoran is proud to have these women in construction, along with other women professionals on our team.

Maureen Kelly – TFMoran, Inc. Civil Project Engineer

Maureen Kelly is a Civil Project Engineer at TFMoran, Inc. who started with the company in January 2017. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts Lowell with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, along with a Masters degree in Structural Engineering. She was president of the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society Chapter. Maureen stays connected with her alma mater by partaking in student engineering excursions to the Haiti Development Studies Center. She has been to Haiti twice over the past year to help with developing a more sustainable system for waste in the Haitian communities. Her professional experiences include; watershed analysis, drainage assessment, storm water retention, and calculations for residential and commercial structures.

Why did you go into engineering?
The relationship between the built world and the natural world has always interested me. Civilization can coexist with nature if we make it a priority. As the name suggests, civil engineering is one profession where you can study and influence that relationship.

What are the challenges of your job?
Stakeholders on a project often have competing priorities. Through discussion and compromise the project takes a shape that’s suitable for everyone, but sometimes getting to that point is a challenge. 

What do you like about your job?
I love the variety of my work and the diversity of people involved in each project. I’m new to the field, but I know that after 20 years on the job there will still be more to learn. 

What skills does one need to enter the engineering field?
The ability to make mistakes, learn from them, and move on. That one skill gives you freedom to study anything. Objectivity and patience are also very important. Contrary to common belief, it’s not all about math!


ABC NH/VT offers a Future Leaders in Construction program

TFMoran’s Chief Operating Office, Dylan Cruess, is excited to be part of this year’s  Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) NH/VT Future Leaders in Construction course located at the ABC Headquarters in Concord, NH. The comprehensive program includes courses that run over an eight month period. The purpose of the program is to enhance leadership skills and implement managerial ideas and characteristics to those in the construction industry.

Some topics of the workshops include: Managing Conflict, Motivation and Coaching, Situational Leadership, and Goal Setting, Action Planning and Time Management. A different guest leader will be invited to each seminar and given the opportunity to speak, encourage and offer insight on being a successful leader in construction. This program is designed for “anyone who wants to make a positive impact on work and life.” The instructors are engaged, informative, impactful and experienced professionals who are very familiar with the industry and course material.

To view a pdf of the flyers for NH and VT programs, click on the links ABC VERMONT FLiC Program 2017  ABC NH FLiC Program 2017

For more information email: [email protected]

Enjoy the photos of the first class, provided by ABC NH/VT.


TFMoran SNHU project featured in High-Profile Sept issue

High-Profile’s September 2017 issue focuses on Educational Facilities, and features one of TFMoran’s civil engineering and landscape architecture projects at Southern New Hampshire University, Monadnock Hall.  HighProfile Monthly is a three-generation family publication that covers all aspects of the New England architecture, engineering, and construction industry.

To read the article in pdf format, click this link TFMoran SNHU Monadnock Hall Project in High-Profile Sept 2017 Issue

Or, read the text below:

TFMoran Provides Civil/Site Design for SNHU’s Monadnock Hall

Hooksett, NH –  TFMoran of Bedford, NH provided survey, permitting, civil/site engineering, and landscape architecture for this new 4-story dormitory at Southern New Hampshire University, located on East Side Drive in Hooksett, NH. The 103,440sf building contains apartment-style dormitories made up of single and double bedrooms, in total there are 300 beds. Included are many amenities not typical to a college dorm, such as: a full kitchen, living room, and a separate shower off from the bathroom. Located on the first floor of the building will also be a fitness center, game room, and a common “Main Street”. The project architects are Mackey Mitchell of St. Louis, MO and Lavallee Brensinger of Manchester, NH, and the general contractor is Whiting Turner of Framingham, MA. The exterior of the structure is a new design for SNHU, made up of natural stone and metal panels. A ribbon cutting event is planned for early September, after students get settled into their new home.


TFM’s Summer Newsletter is Hot Off The Press!

TFM’s newsletter “The Scope” is now available for on-line viewing!  Please click this pdf link to read TFM’s 8 page summer newsletter TFM The Scope_ 2017 Summer_Vol IV

This summer issue has a full-array of exciting projects, events and staff news. New projects like “Market and Main” a new Lifestyle Center on the former Macy’s site in Bedford, NH; Murphy’s Taproom & The Carriage House, an Irish restaurant and banquet facility on the former Weathervane Seafood Restaurant site in Bedford;  SNHU’s newest 4-story dormitory Monadnock Hall; and Residences at Riverfront Landing, 228-unit apartment complex in Nashua along the Merrimack/Nashua River, just to name a few.

TFM’s Marketing Coordinator, Susan Bartley designs and produces the newsletter in-house, and her summer intern Marketing Assistant, Kelsie Gagner helped to write many of the stories. Kelsie also took many of the project photos and staff photos, she will be a Senior at Southern New Hampshire University. And, a big “Thank You” to Frank and his staff at Papergraphics of Merrimack, NH for another great job of printing and mailing the newsletter!

We hope you enjoy it!


Atlantic Orthopedics Project featured in April 3rd issue of NE Real Estate Journal

John Lorden, PE, Senior Project Manager at MSC: a Division of TFMoran, Inc., wrote a feature article on the future expansion of Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in the April 3rd edition of the New England Real Estate Journal.   MSC, the Portsmouth, NH division of TFMoran provided survey, civil/site engineering and permitting for two 20,000sf medical office buildings at 1900 Lafayette Road in Portsmouth, NH.  Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, will occupy one building along with an MRI coach and future MRI addition.  The project team includes general contractor BBL Medical Facilities and architect HCP Architects, both of Albany, NY. All of the project team members have worked closely with Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicne since the initial planning stages of this exciting project.

Article Excerpt:

Portsmouth, NH – The final vacant lot along Lafayatte Road (US Route 1) in Portsmouth’s Office/Residential zoning district will soon be home to Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine’s new facility. MSC a division of TFMoran, Inc., recently received planning board approval for two new office buildings. Construction will soon be underway at 1900 Lafayette Road in Portsmouth, as the ground breaking is scheduled for April 2015.

Atlantic Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, currently located at 150 Route 1 Bypass in Portsmouth, will be occupying the new office building closest to Lafayette Road. After considering an expansion to their existing location, Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine ultimately decided that a new facility would better fit their needs to continue providing quality services to their patients.

“The project required a lengthy and challenging permitting process, as details related to stormwater drainage and the complete build-out of a service road connecting local businesses were vital components of the project” explained John Lorden, PE, MSC’s Senior Project Manager. “Ultimately, stormwater drainage was allowed to connect to existing municipal storm drainage via a proposed service road. This connection of the service road located within the Lafayette West Industrial Park will provide additional access to local roads and nearby businesses. The complete build-out of the service road was part of a long-term plan envisioned since the property was subdivided in 1983, when an easement was established allowing access and use to all abutting parcels. The service road will improve access to all parcels along the service road, provide more direct access to Portsmouth Regional Hospital for doctors and patients, and also alleviate some traffic on the heavily traveled corridor,” continued Lorden.

To read the full version of the article, please click on this link MSC Engineer Featured in NEREJ April 2015


TFMoran Celebrates at the Wild West BOB Awards Event

A group of TFMoran staff, and their families, celebrated at the Wild West themed BOB Awards on Thursday, March 5, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. NHBR did an amazing job creating the wild west atmosphere with authentic looking props and staged areas. We hung out next to the TFMoran sponsored Town Jail, and even had a few photo ops. TFM’s Chief Operating Officer, Dylan Cruess, voluntarily went behind bars long enough to snap a photo for the web site post.

TFMoran is much obliged to our clients, employees and NHBR readers for selecting us as the “Best of Business” in  the Engineering category for 3 years in a row. New Hampshire Business Review’s BOB Awards reader’s survey honors the “best of business” in New Hampshire in over 90 categories. “With 2,700 ballots cast for the 2015 Awards, the BOBs continue to be considered a standard of excellence in New Hampshire,” said Jeff Feingold, editor of NHBR. Take a look at the list of all the BOB Award winners!

“It is a great honor that we have won three years in a row,” says Robert Duval, president of TFMoran. “This clearly shows that our civil, structural and traffic engineers, surveyors and landscape architects are focused on client service and delivering the best engineering solutions possible.  And, with our recent acquisition of MSC Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors in Portsmouth, we can offer award winning professional services to the seacoast region.”

A portion of the proceeds benefited New Horizons for NH, and as a bonus, the winner of the 50/50 raffle donated her prize of over $300 back to New Horizons!

TFMoran received a Congratulations letter from NH Congressman Frank Guinta, click here to read.Letter from Congressman Frank Guinta


Parkland Medical Center Project Is Featured in the Union Leader

The Parkland Medical Center in Derry, NH recently opened their new Center for Emotional Wellness.  News of the opening was featured in the Union Leader newspaper.

TFMoran provided the civil/site design, permitting and survey for the new 7,500sf, two-story addition and a 2,600sf renovation for the new Emotional & Behavioral Wellness Unit at Parkland Medical Center. Architects JSA, Inc. designed the new $3million inpatient behavioral health care facility, Hutter Construction of New Ipswich, NH is the general contractor. Parkland Medical Center is proud to offer this new program which will provide patients with comprehensive, individualized emotional wellness care when they need it the most, without leaving the community.


Robert Duval writes article for New England Real Estate Journal.

The January 23-29, 2015 issue of New England Real Estate Journal features an article written by TFMoran’s President, Robert Duval, PE entitled “Understanding urban runoff issues if you own or develop shopping centers.”

An excerpt from the article:

In the meantime, paying close attention to stormwater issues in new development, monitoring construction stormwater plans closely, and participation in effective voluntary efforts, such as better maintenance programs and partnering with community programs can help improve the health of impaired water bodies over time, perhaps avoiding the need for mandatory retrofit programs, and at the same time, providing a cleaner, more healthful environment for us all.

To read the full article, please click on this link. TFMoran in NEREJ Jan2015