

Dylan Cruess’ Mid-Year Engineering Review published in High Profile

High Profile’s September issue features a Mid-Year Review Spotlight with professionals from numerous industries, including TFMoran’s Chief Operating Officer, Dylan Cruess. Dylan gives his perspective on how the first half of 2021 is going in the engineering field. The good news is “So far in 2021 the positive factors outweigh the economic uncertainties.”  Dylan writes about the challenges of the rising costs of construction materials and supply delays that our clients are facing in their development projects, along with more strict environmental regulations, plus approval and permitting delays. Additionally, there is a high demand for new construction of affordable multi-family housing and warehouse distribution facilities, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the first half of 2021 has been strong despite these uncertainties and many of TFMoran’s clients are optimistic about the future. The engineering and construction industries are as busy as ever.

Read Dylan’s full mid-year review article here.

So far in 2021 the positive factors outweigh the economic uncertainties.

This has been quite a year so far! Many aspects about the economy seem counterintuitive and unpredictable thus far which historically should cause a reduction in new development projects, but my firm, and the construction industry as a whole, are as busy as ever. Continue Reading →


Dylan Cruess’ Mid-Year Engineering Review published in New England Real Estate Journal

New England Real Estate Journal’s July 30th issue features a Mid-Year Review Spotlight with 18 professionals from numerous industries, including TFMoran’s Chief Operating Officer, Dylan Cruess. Dylan gives his perspective on how the first half of 2021 is going in the engineering field. The good news is “So far in 2021 the positive factors outweigh the economic uncertainties.”  Dylan writes about challenges of the rising costs of construction materials and supply delays that our clients are facing in their development projects, along with more strict environmental regulations, plus approval and permitting delays. Additionally, there is a high demand for new construction of affordable multi-family housing and warehouse distribution facilities, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the first half of 2021 has been strong despite these uncertainties and many of TFMoran’s clients are optimistic about the future. The engineering and construction industries are as busy as ever.

To read Dylan’s full mid-year review article, click this pdf link NEREJ Mid-Year Review Spotlight 2021

New England Real Estate Journal
Mid-Year Review Spotlight – Engineer

So far in 2021 the positive factors outweigh the economic uncertainties.

This has been quite a year so far! Many aspects about the economy seem counterintuitive and unpredictable thus far which historically should cause a reduction in new development projects, but my firm, and the construction industry as a whole, are as busy as ever. Continue Reading →