

Supporting NHBCA in the Art of Healing

The New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts (NHBCA) is collaborating with NH Hospital to commission an artist to design a mural for their staff breakroom. TFMoran and other local businesses are contributing to help bring “The Art of Healing” to NH Hospital.

The NHBCA has collected donations to create a serene scene that provides hospital staff with an aesthetically pleasing, respite-inspired space. The artwork will promote self-care and well-being for their community of caregivers and support staff who dedicate their lives to the care of some of New Hampshire’s most vulnerable populations.

The NHBCA is looking to do our part (in a modest way) to address the mental health crisis that affects individuals, families, communities and the workplace. These frontline workers are dedicated to serving our fellow citizens and we believe they need to be recognized for the value they bring to not only this segment of the population but to all who live and work in New Hampshire. The arts naturally promote a more humane society and are an essential tool for creating a greater sense of wellbeing for all, whether it is through direct participation in or appreciation of arts and culture.

NH Business Commitee for the Arts

The mural design is inspired by input from the NHH staff who utilize the breakroom. The goal of the project is to imbue the room with a sense of relaxation, rejuvenation, and refreshment.

We envision our New Hampshire Hospital staff breakroom to be a pleasant place where employees gather to share a coffee, have a chat and unwind from the daily stresses of their workload.

Gisela Catano-Mahoney, Nurse Specialist, MEd, RN-BC

Other businesses supporting the project include Northeast Delta Dental, Orr & Reno, Dartmouth Health, Lavallee Brensinger Architects, and Baker, Newman, Noyes.

The finished mural was unveiled on Monday, April 29, 2024.

Artist Karen Munday Lincoln designed and painted the piece with input from the New Hampshire Hospital staff who utilize the break room. The final product is a serene river scene in a mountain landscape.

TFMoran COO Dylan Cruess attended the unveiling.