

TFMoran Hosts Presentations on Poisonous Plants

On April 10th, for our Portsmouth office, and again April 16th, for our Bedford office, TFMoran hosted lunch and learn presentations on identifying poisonous plants commonly found in New Hampshire.  The seminars were taught by Jonathan Nute of the UNH Cooperative Extension’s Hillsborough County Office.  TFMoran’s field personnel often find themselves in the woods and along roadsides where poison ivy and other rash causing plants frequently grow.  TFMoran is committed to encouraging a safe working environment by providing the best possible training and education for our field personnel.

Other topics discussed by Jonathan Nute included New Hampshire invasive plant species and tick prevention techniques.  Did you know that there are over 27 identified invasive plant species in New Hampshire?


Atlantic Orthopedics Project featured in April 3rd issue of NE Real Estate Journal

John Lorden, PE, Senior Project Manager at MSC: a Division of TFMoran, Inc., wrote a feature article on the future expansion of Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in the April 3rd edition of the New England Real Estate Journal.   MSC, the Portsmouth, NH division of TFMoran provided survey, civil/site engineering and permitting for two 20,000sf medical office buildings at 1900 Lafayette Road in Portsmouth, NH.  Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, will occupy one building along with an MRI coach and future MRI addition.  The project team includes general contractor BBL Medical Facilities and architect HCP Architects, both of Albany, NY. All of the project team members have worked closely with Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicne since the initial planning stages of this exciting project.

Article Excerpt:

Portsmouth, NH – The final vacant lot along Lafayatte Road (US Route 1) in Portsmouth’s Office/Residential zoning district will soon be home to Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine’s new facility. MSC a division of TFMoran, Inc., recently received planning board approval for two new office buildings. Construction will soon be underway at 1900 Lafayette Road in Portsmouth, as the ground breaking is scheduled for April 2015.

Atlantic Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, currently located at 150 Route 1 Bypass in Portsmouth, will be occupying the new office building closest to Lafayette Road. After considering an expansion to their existing location, Atlantic Orthopedics & Sports Medicine ultimately decided that a new facility would better fit their needs to continue providing quality services to their patients.

“The project required a lengthy and challenging permitting process, as details related to stormwater drainage and the complete build-out of a service road connecting local businesses were vital components of the project” explained John Lorden, PE, MSC’s Senior Project Manager. “Ultimately, stormwater drainage was allowed to connect to existing municipal storm drainage via a proposed service road. This connection of the service road located within the Lafayette West Industrial Park will provide additional access to local roads and nearby businesses. The complete build-out of the service road was part of a long-term plan envisioned since the property was subdivided in 1983, when an easement was established allowing access and use to all abutting parcels. The service road will improve access to all parcels along the service road, provide more direct access to Portsmouth Regional Hospital for doctors and patients, and also alleviate some traffic on the heavily traveled corridor,” continued Lorden.

To read the full version of the article, please click on this link MSC Engineer Featured in NEREJ April 2015


Construction Begins on the Whole Foods Market at the Goffe Mill Plaza

Demolition and construction has begun on the Whole Foods Market at the Goffe Mill Plaza in Bedford, NH.  New Hampshire Business Review featured the start of construction in their March 25th Edition of Real Estate & Construction News Roundup.

TFMoran provided civil/site and traffic engineering, permitting, land surveying and landscape architectural services for the redevelopment of the former Sheraton Wayfarer Inn site on South River Road. A 40,000sf Whole Foods Market will anchor the new mixed-use development, along with two new restaurants, a 8,800sf retail building, a bank, a 7,564sf fitness center and 73 apartment units. The 16.2 acre historic site was originally developed in 1744 by Colonel John Goffe. An historic mill building will remain on the site as part of a park design. Whole Foods Market anticipates opening in late 2015.


TFMoran Attends the 37th Annual Bobby Stephen St. Patrick’s Day Bash

TFMoran recently sponsored and attended the 37th annual Bobby Stephen St. Patrick’s Day Bash.  The event, which is always held on St. Patrick’s day, March 17th, supports the The Bobby Stephen’s Fund for Education & Easter Seals NH Youth Transitional Services.  TFMoran employees Robert and Anne Cruess, Dan Blais, Jim O’Neil, and Dylan Cruess attended the event along with Lee Berard of Berard Martel Architects and Karl and Louise Norwood of the Norwood Group.

TFMoran has been supporting Bobby Stephen’s St. Patrick’s day event for the past 20 years at least!  TFMoran is proud to support charities that help make the local community a better place.


TFMoran Employees Judge at 2015 NHSEE Expo

TFMoran employees Nick Golon, Tucker McCarthy, Chris Rice, and Dylan Cruess participated as judges in the 2015 NH Science and Engineering Expo (NHSEE)!  The Expo, which took place on Thursday, March 19th, featured some of the top science, math, biology, and engineering projects created by high school students from around New Hampshire.  The Expo has grown in status the last several years and 2015 the Expo became ISEF Affiliated which sets a national standard for judging and allows the winner of the New Hampshire Expo to attend the International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburg, PA.

This is the second year that TFMoran employees have volunteered to at the NH Science and Engineering Expo.  TFMoran is proud to promote science and engineering programs at the high school level.


TFMoran Host Sponsor for AGC of NH – NHDES Agency Luncheon Series

TFMoran was the March host sponsor for the Associated General Contractors of NH’s Agency Luncheon Series. NH Department of Environmental Services was the guest agency and the topics discussed included wetland rules update, waters of the US, redevelopment rules, and legislative topics. TFM’s president Robert Duval, PE started the meeting by discussing the need for engineers to work closely with NHDES staff. TFM’s Senior Project Manager, Dan Blais, CPESC, CESSWI discussed his experiences with NHDES on storm water monitoring and inspections projects such as I-93 widening reconstruction projects at Exit 2 and Exit 3 for George R. Cairns & Sons and Weaver Bros.


TFMoran Attends the 2015 Bob Baines Blarney Breakfast

TFMoran recently attended the 2015 Bob Baines Blarney Breakfast on March 10, 2015.  TFMoran has a long history of supporting its local community through attendance at charitable events.  In particular, TFMoran is proud of its long time affiliation with the Blarney Breakfast, which  supports the Special Olympics of New Hampshire, American Red Cross Blood Services – Northern New England Region, and the Shirley Brulotte Fund of the International Institute of New Hampshire.  The Breakfast had over 600 people in attendance and featured a key note address by Brian Boyle and the Irish music of the American Rogues.


TFMoran featured in High Profile Magazine FastFacts Friday

The TFMoran and MSC Merger Announcement was featured in the March 6th “FastFacts Friday” email blast from Anastasia Barnes at High Profile Magazine.  TFMoran and MSC continue to receive very positive reaction to our December 2014 Merger.  MSC is now an integrated division of TFMoran offering a wide array of engineering, land surveying,  and landscape architecture services to clients in the New Hampshire seacoast region, northern Massachusetts, and southern Maine.


Nick Golon Attends Global Engineering Conference in Panama

Nick Golon, PE, a Senior Project Manager from TFMoran, attended the Global Engineering Conference in Panama City, Panama in October 2014.  Nick represented the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (NH-ASCE) at the conference which focused on the new construction and expansion taking place at the Panama Canal.

Back home in New Hampshire, Nick serves on the NH-ASCE Board of Directors as Secretary.  As part of his trip to Panama, Nick wrote an article for the NH-ASCE newsletter.  To read Nick’s article about his Panama experience, click here NH ASCE March 2015_Panama Canal.  The entire March 2015 NH-ASCE newsletter is also available.


TFMoran Celebrates at the Wild West BOB Awards Event

A group of TFMoran staff, and their families, celebrated at the Wild West themed BOB Awards on Thursday, March 5, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. NHBR did an amazing job creating the wild west atmosphere with authentic looking props and staged areas. We hung out next to the TFMoran sponsored Town Jail, and even had a few photo ops. TFM’s Chief Operating Officer, Dylan Cruess, voluntarily went behind bars long enough to snap a photo for the web site post.

TFMoran is much obliged to our clients, employees and NHBR readers for selecting us as the “Best of Business” in  the Engineering category for 3 years in a row. New Hampshire Business Review’s BOB Awards reader’s survey honors the “best of business” in New Hampshire in over 90 categories. “With 2,700 ballots cast for the 2015 Awards, the BOBs continue to be considered a standard of excellence in New Hampshire,” said Jeff Feingold, editor of NHBR. Take a look at the list of all the BOB Award winners!

“It is a great honor that we have won three years in a row,” says Robert Duval, president of TFMoran. “This clearly shows that our civil, structural and traffic engineers, surveyors and landscape architects are focused on client service and delivering the best engineering solutions possible.  And, with our recent acquisition of MSC Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors in Portsmouth, we can offer award winning professional services to the seacoast region.”

A portion of the proceeds benefited New Horizons for NH, and as a bonus, the winner of the 50/50 raffle donated her prize of over $300 back to New Horizons!

TFMoran received a Congratulations letter from NH Congressman Frank Guinta, click here to read.Letter from Congressman Frank Guinta