TFMoran News

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TFMoran featured in Union Leader Special ‘STEM’ Section

Engineers Week is here! The New Hampshire Union Leader has presented a special edition this week to promote ‘STEM’ professions and to celebrate Engineers for all that they do. This special section includes a recent TFMoran project, the NH SportsDome on the front page! TFMoran Principal, Nick Golon spoke of the trials and tribulations that came with this first-of-its-kind structure in New Hampshire:

“Given its magnitude, siting the structure to minimize sightlines from adjacent properties, while maintaining required setbacks, and providing the necessary utility infrastructure were challenging issues. Another significant element was snow removal, to make sure that snowfall would not pose any risk of damage to the structure. Site grading and drainage were carefully designed so that snow and snowmelt could be conveyed safely and efficiently away from the structure and surrounding parking through an open drainage system of swales and infiltration basins.”

In other exciting TFMoran news, the announcement of our new Principals was also featured!

Check out the full NH SportsDome article here.